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About Us

We value diverse experiences to bring forth collaborative & effective change

Since its founding in 2015, New Normal Life's ("NNL") mission has been to empower people with information. Whether it's information about where they go to school, work, shop, or fill their prescriptions, or information about the brands to which they build their loyalty. To effectively accomplish this mission, NNL built its model on the following truths:
To educate people, we first must engage. Thus, we create beautifully designed packs curated with targeted information that will resonate with the pack recipients.
We need to reach people when they are most open to learning. Thus, our packs reach consumers at home where they are not distracted by the outside world or during college move-in when students assume all their own buying decisions.
We recognize and partner with the gatekeepers who look after the best interest of their flock. We partner with universities that shape our youth but also keep them safe during their developmental journeys, retailers who help their customers looking to live better every day, and corporations that strive to be considered the best places to work by their employees.
Our success is judged by the impact we have on the students and customers we reach. If we make one more student feel part of their campus community from day one, and more confident in their daily buying decisions, we are successful. If we can educate a consumer on a better-for-you alternative that is the catalyst for living better, we are successful.

Lynn Long

Leading NNL is the founder and CEO, Lynn Long. Lynn is a finance and operations executive with a background in healthcare and marketing. Prior to starting New Normal Life, Lynn was a C-level executive at Pri-Med, a medical education and EHR software company focused on improved outcomes. This desire to improve consumers' outcomes was the cornerstone of New Normal Life and why she founded the company.

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